art 448: artists books is all free-range. i love how everyone is just able to express themselves and their art through a medium that lasts forever (mostly) — a book. our first assignment was meant to be a quickie. an altered book. or book object. simple enough... i started with an old Black Book Creative Directory from 2004 and gutted it. since it's completely useless now, i figured it was a good place to start. it led into my theme: connection/communication, so i took a stack of old business cards that were doing absolutely no good and spray mounted them to multiple pages cut out of a telephone book.
i found out that i broke the number one rule to artists books: no spray mount. i was slapped on the hand and have since moved on.
i reinforced the cards on each page with clear packing tape and left the back sides as the raw uncoated telephone book pages. then i trimmed each page to fit the size of the hard cover.
i even discovered a work of art in my page-trimmings...
my ultimate goal was to take these trimmed pages and bind them into the Black Book hard cover.
i also used glossy plastic business card sleeves to protect the front and back of the book.
well, the hard cover idea wasn't gonna work out so pretty so i decided to do a rolling treatment to the left end and rubber band the pages together. the top page is all business cards that i've had from jobs over the last 10 years.
the juxtaposition of each spread is nice with telephone listings on one side and colorful business cards on the other.
i'm pretty happy with the way it turned out and decided to leave the black book cover off and keep it as it is. sometimes too much is just too much.
viola. the contact book!
next friday we have class in claremont at scripps college. they are having an artists books exhibit at Williamson Gallery. check it out //:here.