last couple of weeks
i've been out of sorts
in this project artschool (coursework, in general)
department. discovering many books
and articles that i think will
apply to my grand scheme here
and to my thesis in particular.
the problem is that i can't find
the necessary hours to dive as
deep as i'd like. i'm constantly
skimming the surface in my
school-related research. i
spent last week up to my
neck in freelance and a few days at a trade show in las vegas
and well,
kind of abandoned my coursework.
couple good things though,
i registered for spring two-thousand nine,
sorted out my study plan, and
rented a gang of books from the Cal Poly library.
drove up there a few weeks ago to return a book
and ended up walking out with 5 more.
in addition to those books, i'm borrowing
a handful of design theory books from
my history professor, bought
some poetry books, and rediscovered
virginia tufte's book, "Artful Sentences: Syntax as Style."
it's at the top of my pile. i know it applies
to the direction i want to take my topic
because i can't keep my nose out of that one...
so basically, i have to catch up in my three courses now and dig deep into this pile:

i'm actually excited
for every free hour i can find and
yearning for christmas break time so
i can get into my new stack of
from here on out, it seems
that my bibliography will have real
towards my final goal. it might look more
like a lit-major's bibliography — but that's the point.
i think.
and also — i'll be implementing a system
my mom told me in outlining
the information i'm reading. starting
with index cards and a shoebox.
and there you have it. a little bit of this.
and that.
artists to eye at the moment:
Brion Gysin
Frederick Kiesler
William Burroughs/Charles Bukowski/Jack Henry/Gillian Prew/Hollace Metzger/Antony Hitchin/Erica Jong/Allen Ginsberg/Marilyn Chin
J. Abbott Miller
Tristan Tzara
Sonia Delaunay
Genesis P-Orridge
topics to watch:designer as author
architecture of deconstruction
visual culture in relation to intuition
formal structured poetry